United States Bankruptcy Judge for the District of New Jersey
Dana Muccie | Judicial Assistant - (609) 858-9351
Kiya Martin | Courtroom Deputy - (609) 858-9355
Krista Shaheen | Career Law Clerk
402 East State Street Trenton, N.J. 08608 Courtroom #2
Chambers e-mail: [email protected]
Judge Hall's staff may be contacted by telephone or email. For emergent applications, parties should notify Chambers by email. Parties should be guided by D.N.J. LBR 5071-1 regarding adjournment requests. Adjournment Request forms for Chapter 7 and 11 matters should be emailed to Judge Hall's Chambers. Chapter 13 Adjournment Request forms should be submitted to the Standing Chapter 13 Trustee. Please consult the Chapter 13 Trustee's website for information regarding adjournment requests of Chapter 13 matters.
In-Person Appearances: Judge Hall holds in-person hearings, with the option to appear through CourtSolutions in lieu of in-person participation. This applies to all non-Chapter 13 matters.
Telephonic Appearances: Judge Hall is amenable to telephonic appearances. Prior consent is not necessary but parties are directed to contact their adversary to inform them they will be appearing by telephone. All requests for telephonic appearances before Judge Hall shall be arranged through CourtSolutions, http://www.Court-Solutions.com, no later than 3:00 p.m. the court day prior to the hearing. To appear telephonically, you will need to create a CourtSolutions' account. Once you establish an account, you will be able to submit your request to appear telephonically. This request will either be approved or denied by Judge Hall’s chambers. As long as your request is approved by chambers, you can log into your CourtSolutions' account, prior to the hearing time, and access the large orange button entitled “Open Hearing Dashboard” for your dial-in instructions. Your dial-in information will be the same for every reservation you make. For complete information about CourtSolutions, please visit http://help.court-solutions.com. If you are having call-in or sign-in problems with CourtSolutions, please contact CourtSolutions directly at (917) 746-7476 or email [email protected].
Consistent with the Court's General Order Regarding Court Operations Under the Exigent Circumstances Created by Coronavirus (COVID-19) (as amended), the Court will conduct all Chapter 13 matters telephonically until further notice. Please register for appearances via CourtSolutions using the above instructions. Telephonic appearance via CourtSolutions for Chapter 13 matters applies to the Court's general Chapter 13 calendar held at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Counsel and parties are further advised to consult the Chapter 13 Trustee's website regarding disposition of their case and the need for an appearance. To ensure the quality of the record, all calls must be made from quiet locations except in the most extreme emergencies.
PLEASE NOTE that afternoon holdover Chapter 13 matters will be conducted remotely via Zoom Meeting. See further instructions and Zoom Meeting Link and Information below.
Zoom Appearances: Zoom is a free video conferencing platform that a party may download and become familiar with prior to the hearing. Information for Zoom may be found at https://zoom.us/ and https://zoomgov.com/. Please ensure that your computer/device settings allow for video and microphone access so that Judge Hall may hear and see you. Once connected to Zoom the party will enter the virtual Zoom Courtroom. Please connect to Zoom at least 15 minutes prior to your hearing.
Courtroom behavior. Although held remotely, a Zoom hearing or trial is a judicial proceeding and therefore the formalities of a courtroom must be observed. Parties are expected to conduct themselves in the same way that they would if they were in person in the courtroom. This includes appropriate formality and attire.
“Public Proceedings.” Please be reminded that the Zoom proceeding is a “public proceeding” and the Zoom connection information is publicly available on the Court’s website. Thus, any party interested may “listen in” to the Zoom proceeding. Parties who “listen in” must have their cameras off and their microphones muted at all times. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in removal from the Zoom proceeding.
Video/audio. All video and audio will be off upon entry into the Zoom courtroom. The Court requests that each party remain muted with camera off until such time as their matter is called or until the Court directs otherwise. The Court prefers that parties appear with their video on; however, video is not mandatory. If necessary, parties may appear without video and/or may appear telephonically by dialing into the Zoom using the dial-in information. Links to the Zoom meeting and dial-in information can be found below.
Speaking and Questions. Each time you speak, identify yourself by stating your full name for the record. Remember to speak slowly and distinctly. Do not interrupt others. As stated above, please remain muted until your case is called or directed otherwise by the Court. Should you have a question during the Zoom proceeding you may direct that question in the “Chat” or “raise your hand” by clicking the hand raise button. Questions may also be submitted via email to Judge Hall's Chambers at [email protected]. If you are participating telephonically, please wait for a pause in conversation before identifying yourself to ask a question.
Participate from a quiet place with reliable reception. Do not use a speaker phone or call/log in from a public place. Disruptions or background noise may cause the Judge to mute you or terminate your participation.
Technical Problems. If you are having trouble with the video or audio or other technical difficulties, please let the Court know as soon as possible. Though glitches are expected, they do not always occur on the Court’s end, so the Court will not necessarily know if you are experiencing problems until you so advise the Court. To report these problems you may use the “chat” feature, the “raise hand” feature, email Chambers at [email protected], or call Chambers at (609) 858-9350.
Meeting ID: 160 346 3948
Passcode: 337273
Telephone Dial-In Information
(dial by location)
• +1 551 285 1373 US (New Jersey)
• +1 669 254 5252 US (San Jose)
• +1 646 828 7666 US (New York)
• +1 646 964 1167 US (US Spanish Line)
Copies of Papers
In addition to mandatory efiling, courtesy copies of papers to Chambers are required only when there are voluminous exhibits or upon request of the Court.
Chapter 13 Motions: Parties are reminded to consult the Chapter 13 Trustee's website (www.russotrustee.com/cdl) regarding disposition of their Chapter 13 motion and the need for an appearance. As a reminder, the Court's general Chapter 13 calendar (9:00 and 10:00 a.m. matters) are conducted via CourtSolutions. Contested and holdover matters are conducted via Zoom during the Court's afternoon calendar (3:00 p.m.). Please see appearance instructions for Chapter 13 Motions under Judge Hall's "Communications" tab for further instruction regarding appearances via CourtSolutions or Zoom.
Stay Relief and other Motions: Per D.N.J. LBR 9013-3, all motions will be decided upon the papers unless opposition is filed. Only the movant or parties that have filed opposition may offer oral argument. Parties should be guided by D.N.J. LBR 9013-1, including its provision for responsive papers and cross-motions.
First Day Motions in Complex Chapter 11 Cases: Parties should be guided by D.N.J. LBR 9013-5 and contact Chambers by email or by telephone regarding the filing and scheduling of all first day matters.
Summary Judgment Motions: If opposition to a summary judgment motion is filed, oral argument is required unless instructed otherwise by the Court. Please consult the docket and Judge Hall's calendar, as posted on the Court’s website, regarding hearing dates and scheduling.
Emergent Matters: Parties are referred to D.N.J. LBR 9013-2(c) and use of requisite local forms.
Pro Hac Vice Admissions: Judge Hall handles all written and oral requests for admission pro hac vice in accordance with D.N.J. LBR 9010-1(b). Oral motions may be made upon the Court at the time of hearing or trial.
Documents Under Seal: Requests for documents to be sealed are to be made in accordance with D.N.J. LBR 9018-1.
For additional calendar information, see www.njb.uscourts.gov
Pre-Trials and Trials
Pre-Trial Procedures: Parties should be guided by D.N.J. LBR 7016-1.
Pursuant to D.N.J. LBR 9019-1 and 9019-2, all adversary proceedings are presumptively referred to mediation.
Upon the filing of a proposed Joint Order Scheduling Pre-Trial Proceedings and Trial and Mediation Order (when required under D.N.J. LBR 9019-2), Judge Hall will generally not require appearances at the pre-trial conference. Appearance at the scheduled pre-trial conference will also not be required where counsel has notified the Court of an intention to settle the matter, dismiss the matter, or to file default papers.
Discovery Disputes: Counsel should contact Judge Hall's Chambers regarding discovery disputes and any request to have them resolved by telephonic hearing or otherwise prior to filing a motion.
Requests to Enter Default and Default Judgment: Parties should be guided by D.N.J. LBR 7055-1. Judge Hall reviews the adversary complaint with respect to which default judgment is requested and a proof hearing will be scheduled when necessary.
Electronic Exhibits: Any party who wishes to electronically display exhibits must contact Judge Hall's Chambers at least seven (7) days before the hearing or trial to coordinate with the Court's IT Department to allow for electronic display.
Fee Applications
Counsel and Professionals should be guided by D.N.J. LBR 2016-1 through D.N.J. LBR 2016-5. An appearance is not required on an application for compensation unless an objection is filed.
Reaffirmation Agreements
Parties should be guided by 11 U.S.C. § 524 and Fed. R. Bankr.P. 4008.
Hearings: If counsel certifies that the debtor is able to make the payments on the debt to be reaffirmed, no hearing will be scheduled.
Leases: Judge Hall does not approve Reaffirmation Agreements for leases. The parties may enter into a lease assumption agreement without need for Court approval.